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6 Amazing Benefits of Massage

Have you ever wondered what a great massage could do for you? Besides feeling good, massage can bring along some pretty amazing health benefits that you may not be aware of.  

Massage‘ is the widespread term for rubbing, pressing and applying pressure to the skin, muscles or joints, particularly to ease tension, relieve pain and promote good health. It incorporates several types of techniques, namely the Swedish, Trigger point, Sports, Deep massage, and many more.

These varied types of massages have their specific purposes, however, the two most important goals are easing body pain and breaking up adhered tissues. A simple massage can extensively improve and benefit the performance of the body. Here are some amazing benefits  you’ll enjoy when you get a massage;

    • Better sleep: With excess activity in the nervous system, getting quality sleep may become a struggle for you . A massage surely reduces activity in the nervous system which causes it to slow down, this helps to stimulate sleep, so much so that it becomes easier to sleep deep.
    • Reduced tension: Tension and stress result in tensed and tight muscles. A massage calms the body and nervous system. It also increases the elasticity of your tissue.
    • Detox: A massage helps your body to easily release toxins and body waste clogged up in the body from food, and carbon dioxide.
    • Relaxation: Relaxation isn’t just staying in bed doing nothing. Getting a massage is also a form of relaxation in itself. It doesn’t have to be Fancy spas, you can self-massage since most of the body parts are within reach of both hands. But for an in-depth and targeted body massage a spa or masseuse will always be best.
    • Increased circulation: A massage greatly increases the circulation of blood in your body. It reduces blood pressure and lowers the heart rate so you can feel calm always.
    • Increased range of movement: Massages decrease soreness and aches in the body, break up adhered tissues, increase muscle elasticity and flexibility in the body. This helps to increase the range of movement, and reduces the chances of injury in the body.

Getting a massage at least every once a month is an incredible way to manage your health and promote overall wellness, it is greatly recommended.



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