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Watch Your Back!

Complete Guide
to Workplace Ergonomics

Watch Your Back!

A Complete Guide
to Workplace Ergonomics

Workplace Ergonomics

A great part of the work population sits behind the desk for an average of eight hours or more daily. This kind of sedentary lifestyle puts people at risk of having constant neck pain, wrist pain, and musculoskeletal disorders, and has an overall impact on the long-term health and productivity of workers. A comfortable workplace corner is a game-changer, and the implementation of ergonomic workplace habits can help improve your posture and lead to increased productivity.

What is Workplace Ergonomics?

According to the International Ergonomics Association Executive Council, “Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among human and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and method to design to emphasize human being and performance”.

To put it simply, ergonomics means the study of people in their workplace or at their job. Workplace ergonomics can also refer to the art of designing the workplace with the worker’s abilities and limitations in mind. The goal of an ergonomist is to ensure the elimination of discomfort and related pain stemming from a poor workstation set up.

According to the International Ergonomics Association Executive Council, “Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of the interactions among human and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data, and method to design to emphasize human being and performance”.

To put it simply, ergonomics means the study of people in their workplace or at their job. Workplace ergonomics can also refer to the art of designing the workplace with the worker’s abilities and limitations in mind. The goal of an ergonomist is to ensure the elimination of discomfort and related pain stemming from a poor workstation set up.

Ergonomics is easily overlooked as a causative agent of hazards in the workplace. This is because body injuries which are a result of poor ergonomics are not easily noticeable compared to injuries from other obvious sources like accidents or exposure to harmful chemicals. This leaves you struggling with your medical provider or chiropractor because of body pains that you may not be able to trace back to work. It is important for organizations and you to realize how ergonomics injuries are also detrimental in the workplace if left uncontrolled.

The aim of pursuing workplace ergonomics is to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Some examples of MSDs include carpal tunnel syndrome, strained muscles, tendonitis, and ruptured discs. They can lead to reduced productivity and loss of income in the workplace.

The aim of pursuing workplace ergonomics is to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). Some examples of MSDs include carpal tunnel syndrome, strained muscles, tendonitis, and ruptured discs. They can lead to reduced productivity and loss of income in the workplace.

Great Ways to Improve

    • Practice good posture

This is beyond finding a comfortable position to work in. It’s possible to work in a seemingly comfortable position that may be bad for your body long-term as they are not ergonomically correct. An example is slouching while typing; this can lead to a hunchback. Take conscious efforts to practice good postures while working long hours.

    • Be mindful of your eyes

Many workers who spend a lot of time looking at a computer monitor suffer from eye strain. First of all, adjust your monitor so it is at eye level when sitting in your chair. If you have a window in your office or workspace, place your monitor at 90 degrees to reduce glare. Also, remember to take eye breaks from your computer monitor at intervals.

    • Lift with your knees

If your job involves frequent lifting of load/materials, practice proper lifting techniques. This is especially for production workers, stock and material movers, and laborers. Ensure to read the manual instruction on proper lifting if there is one.

    • Give yourself breaks

Most work tasks and cycles are repetitive, so if your job involves you making the same movement continuously throughout the day, consider taking breaks. A task is high-risk repetitive if the cycle time is 30 seconds or less.

When combined with other risk factors attached to the job like application of force or awkward postures, it can lead to MSDs. If job tasks cannot be alternated or rotated, consider taking breaks; stand up, stretch, and move about. You can set a timer to act as a reminder.

How to set up your workstation

Now that you have a general idea about workplace ergonomics, let’s talk more specifically about how your workstation can improve. Setting up your workstation in an ergonomically correct way doesn’t just help your back and eliminate back pain, it also reduces the onset of neck pain, shoulder pain, wrist pain, and bad posture. 

When creating an ergonomic workstation, take into consideration the following points:

  • it has to encourage a full range of motion
  • has the potential to alleviate hunched posture
  • allows room for proper feet placement and movement
  • easy placement of frequently used items within arm’s reach.

Click and view our downloadable infographic below to see how you can create a suitable workstation that’s unique to you. 

Healthy Happy Spine

Workplace ergonomics are easily overlooked but can have a great affect on our health. Following these few small tips will help you in a big way towards keeping a healthy happy spine.

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